In my ongoing search for a decent way to feature some music-related content at right that doesn't involve recurring fiddling with the sidebar links, I've added a new feature below. It's . . . a little embarrassing, and potentially too-revealing, but I'm going to give it a try. iLike is yet another sort of social networking blah blah blah, this time revolving around music. Their program adds a little sidebar to your iTunes player and uploads the contents of your music library (not everything, and you can limit access, but yeah, there's no possible security concern here at all.) Then you can add a widget to your site, as I have below, that will feature the most recent songs you've played, and, if they have one (I don't know how this works), stream a portion of songs for listeners.
The positive side is that once the widgets installed, I don't have to do anything (and I can't have my firewall block the program if I don't want it uploading stuff.) The downsides? Well, I really want something more like LibraryThing's widget, with album art and the like. And while the streaming audio is kind of cool, having only a portion of the songs is lame, especially as far too often it's the bridge or some other uncharacteristic part of the tune. And then there's the display. iLike seems to have been initially created with MySpace users in mind. It shows. That "Are we compatible????" question--I hate to have to actually say it, but if you have to ask, etc. In general, I hate the actual social networking parts of any social networking service or site. I just want the other stuff, without the people. Who likes people?
But anyway, I'm pleased enough to find that Marvin Gaye's Here, My Dear record is in their database, and that the title song is currently on my list. I don't think anyone would call the record, which often relies on anger to raise the music out of indifference, his best, but I do miss the gatefold album cover. It would be so much better if they had the last thirty seconds of the track, though: Gaye uses all of his old doo-wop tricks to make sticking the knife in sound so sweet. I was your baby, indeed.
"Here, My Dear" - Marvin Gaye