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May 23, 2007



oh man, i am so addicted to this beuchel thing...

my real thinking is that he was overwhelmed by the space..it was just a freakout on his part, he is reputed to be a total perfectionist. every piece a good artist does is not going to be a hit; the problem with installation art is that your failures are public.

but, there is the tiny part of me saying that it is in fact all intentional on his part. which, in a sense is brilliant, if not for the fact that mass moca, and north adams, are EXTREMELY soft targets.

so, if it is intentional, i wish more people knew in fact how lame it is.

ugh... i could go on and on. i'm trying to reign it in.

Larry in North Adams

As someone who moved to North Adams because of the presence of Mass MOCA, I have been greatly saddened by the controversy which has now reached the unfortunate legal stage. On one hand, the conception that Beuchel proposed is a solid one, and the additions he desires, clearly indicate an important work in the making.

OTOH, small institutions like Mass MOCA are not rich, and artists do have a responsibility to work within budgets agreed to. It is the duty of the artist to help solve problems created during the process, not to run and hide, hire lawyers and become obstinate.

The public is the loser here, and while the museum seems to want to let the public see what the controversy is all about, it seems the artist wants either an open checkbook or to keep it hidden from view.

Perhaps it should just be hauled off to the dump so both the artist and institution can move on wtih their respective work.

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